Project Implementation


EPRDS-LTD undertakes development work under the subsidiary EPRD-Inc. in Sierra Leone. Both its development work and consulting work is tied to its overall vision of contributing towards the eradication of poverty and food insecurity in developing countries through empirical research.

Areas of intervention include:

Livelihood and Food Security:


EPRD-Inc has three main areas of intervention for smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone. These include:

  • Provision of improved inputs and extension services for smallholder farmers in two districts (Tonkolili District, Kambia District, Kenema and Bo District)

  • Rice, Vegetables and Tree Crops

  • Organizing Village Savings and Loans Schemes in Tonkolili, Kambia and Bo Districts

  • Agricultural Market Information (nationwide)

WASH Interventions:


EPRD-Inc is also involved in WASH interventions in these districts. WASH interventions include both WASH in schools and community-based WASH interventions. EPRDS- promotes sustainable models for WASH interventions in these communities.

  • WASH Infrastructure (Toilets and Boreholes)
  • WASH trainings
  • WASH Management Committee
  • VSLA schemes for WASH