About image
Overview:  EPRDS – Consulting is a program management consulting firm that has actively been working in Sierra Leone for over fifteen years. We provide program management consulting services in four strategic areas of focus: 1) Third-party Monitoring and Evaluation, 2) Applied Research, 3) Training and Capacity Building and 4) Program Implementation in two main program areas: 1) Food Security and 2) Health Care. Throughout this period, EPRDS has provided consulting services for different organizations, including non-governmental organizations; bilateral and multilateral organizations; government departments (and institutions); parastatals and private sector entities. In recent years, we have implemented programs in Food Security and Health Care in two districts in Sierra Leone. Our development work is hinged on effective partnerships with local NGOs, SMEs and Farmer Organizations (ABCs,  Women Groups, Youth Groups and Cooperatives).

Vision: Contribute towards the eradication of poverty and food insecurity in developing countries through empirical research and effective program management.  Through sound empirical research, evidence-based decision making would be enhanced among policy makers. Effective program management, accountability and good stewardship is critical to transforming the lives of poor marginalized communities.  EPRDS wishes to provide such services to decision makers, entities and other leaders working towards eradicating hunger and poverty.

Through our research and development activities, we work closely with young professionals to help build the capacities of emerging Sierra Leone researchers. This is one of EPRDS’ strategy for long-term nation building.